Clancy Traffic Management
With the backing and resources of Clancy Plant at its disposal, Clancy Traffic Management (CTM) is able to offer its customers a complete end-to-end traffic management service
Complete capability
With the backing and resources of Clancy Plant at its disposal, Clancy Traffic Management (CTM) is able to offer its customers a complete end-to-end traffic management service
Formed in 2008, Clancy Traffic Management (CTM) is a division of Clancy Plant, one of the most diverse and capable providers of assets to the utilities, rail, civil engineering and construction industries in the UK. Branded Clancy Plant – Traffic Division in its earliest incarnation, CTM was established to provide important Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) services to a number of Clancy Docwra framework contracts within the essential services industry.
Six years after it was created, in 2014, CTM took an important step in its development when it increased its service capability by adding High Speed to its core resources, thus enabling it to design, install and maintain TTM on 50/60mph dual carriageways and motorways. Two years further down the line, Clancy Plant’s Variable Message Signs (VMS) division was integrated into CTM, meaning that the latter became one of a very select few entities within the TTM sector with the capability to provide complete TTM solutions to key market segments across the UK, including Local Authorities, National Highways, Utilities, Retail, TM contractors and Events. More recently, CTM has taken over Speedy Hire’s traffic light fleet, an agreement that is in line with its growth strategy and that will further strengthen CTM’s market share.
CTM’s philosophy is to work in partnership with all of its customers to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of its services – providing best value through innovative solutions, processes, equipment and direct workforce expertise. “Working 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, we provide complete solutions to our customers through our UK branch network,” explains Traffic Management Systems General Manager, Gary Moore. “From design and planning to installation, maintenance and removal of all TTM systems on all class and speeds of carriageways, we have a dedicated compliance team whose job it is to guarantee that we achieve and maintain the highest standards in-line with our quality plan, company policies and external regulations.
“To maximise efficiency and communication, we recently developed a web-based work management system that enables the smooth transition from planning and scheduling through to the operations teams. It also enforces compliance for job and vehicle related processes via mobile APP workflow. This system has enabled us to operate totally paperless, when historically we would have generated between 5000 and 6000 pieces of paper per week!”

In the last four years, in particular, CTM has enjoyed significant growth, with revenue increasing from around £2.5 million to £12.5 million, and the number of people directly employed by the business jumping from 35 people to more than 100. Gary is keen to stress, however, that this growth would not have been possible without the support functions that operate within the Clancy group. “Clearly, the financial backing that is available ‘subject to a sound business case’ is important, yet equally so are the contributions made by our central service departments such as HR, Payroll, Training and IT,” he states. “We also benefit from having a Fleet Safety and Compliance team, responsible for monitoring and improving fleet efficiencies and driver performance. Taken together, all of the above gives CTM added credibility in the marketplace.”
The latter point also ties nicely into CTM’s own mission statement, which is “To make life better for all our families”, as Gary goes on to point out. “This is one of the reasons why health and safety is at the forefront of everything we do – it is part of our culture! CTM is committed to monitoring safety performance and ensuring the provision of safe work practices. To do so, we provide continual training to our employees to assure a safe working environment for all.”
Going back to the theme of growth, Gary tells us that 2018 was another good year for the business, with revenue increasing by 20 per cent and its external client base continuing to grow. “The North of England and Scotland has been a source of significant growth,” he explains. “As little as two years ago, we had no infrastructure at all in this region, whereas now it represents approximately 20 per cent of our turnover, and the whole of the CTM team can take credit in doing an excellent job making this happen.
“Another new source of revenue has been the Highways maintenance sector, where we have been providing solutions to O’Hara Bros – a major Highways construction, repair and maintenance contractor. This type of work is labour intensive and there is a lot of interaction between our clients’ operational teams and members of the public, which meant that we inevitably encountered one or two challenges initially. Nevertheless, we managed to overcome these early obstacles by working closely with the client and the respective Local Authority, and this has resulted in some very positive feedback and led to further opportunities for CTM to pursue.”
Moving forward, CTM has a clear vision for the immediate future, one which builds upon the trust it has built up with its colleagues, its clients and their customers, and its suppliers and contractors, as it strives to be “The best in the service provision of Traffic Management”.
“It is important to once again stress that the success that CTM has enjoyed would not have been possible without the contribution of the Clancy group,” Gary concludes. “As such, our plan is to continue supporting Clancy Docwra, while at the same time growing our external client base, achieving tier 1 status in our respective sectors, and provide the best levels of service all year round.”
Clancy Traffic Management (CTM)
Services: Traffic management solutions