Navigating safely

The Miros RangeFinder is a dry-mounted, radar-based sensor that measures airgap, tide, water level, draught, and waves. It provides millimetre accuracy in all weather conditions and it was the only commercially available radar able to provide high accuracy bridge clearance information for the project requirements.

The RangeFinder enables RSOE to provide bridge clearance information to the agreed corridor services as part of an installation on the historical Margaret Bridge, the second-oldest public bridge in Budapest and a key point of navigation on the Danube River. The provided data is critical for the waterway management authorities to calculate the accurate distance from the bridge to the water surface, thus ensuring safe navigation as well as allowing the vessel operators to make informed decisions as to whether they can pass under the bridge.

This deal is part of the large-scale European River Information Services Enabled Corridor Management Execution (RIS COMEX) project, which aims to implement and operate cross-border river information services based on the operational exchange of RIS data. The river information-based corridor services allow the authorities and logistics sector to manage traffic and transport; improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of inland navigation; and increase environmental protections. The project is co-financed by the European Union as part of its ‘Connecting Europe Facility for Transport Programme’.