SafeRack: Revolutionising Safety and Productivity in Challenging Environments
The safe choice
SafeRack’s heavy-duty, innovative solutions help keep its client’s operators safe and productive in fast-paced, challenging environments
While still a relatively young company, having been founded in 2002 by co-founders Fred Harmon and Rob Honeycutt in Andrews, South Carolina, SafeRack has rapidly expanded in the short amount of time since. Today, the company’s manufacturing of industrial safety products for truck, railcar and industrial loading applications – including access gangways, fall protection systems, safety cages and loading rack products – sees it bringing in revenues of over $100 million, and providing employment for more than 300 people.

“The growth of the business in more recent years can, at least in part, be credited to the decision taken to begin looking at different vertical markets that its products and services could move into – a move that has since seen SafeRack enter into the oil and gas, bulk chemical, marine, aerospace, and cement and aggregates sectors,” explains Vice President of Strategy and Business Development, Graeme Murphy.
Within the cement industry, SafeRack’s gangways are now considered as standard bearers, with its equipment designed for the loading/unloading of cement and other binding substances capable of standing up to heavy use and punishing environments, while also keeping workers safe and productive. “Safety and productivity are the cornerstones of what makes our products and solutions special, as they allow users to conduct their operations in a fast, yet safe manner,” Graeme adds. “The other big thing with cement plants is that, should they suffer equipment failure they require this to be replaced in rapid order, and SafeRack has that degree of velocity needed to turn around equipment faster than any other player in the market. This is made possible by our heavy investment in automation, mass customisation and parametric design at our US facility, which allows us to turn around custom solutions in a matter of days.”
As a result of its achievements, SafeRack has secured exclusive agreements with a number of blue-chip companies in North America, and is now supplying equipment for cement and dry bulk loading to major cement plants across Europe following the opening of its UK offices. It therefore certainly appears to be the ideal time for the company to make what is its first appearance at a dedicated cement show outside of the United States, and this will be at The UK CONCRETE Show 2019 in Birmingham.
“Our appearance at The UK CONCRETE Show is all about getting the SafeRack name out there, and making as many people as possible aware of the work we are doing, the solutions that we offer and the way that these can bring about a better return on investment than other products,” Graeme continues. “We will, of course, also use the event as a chance to network with the right people and encourage them to come across to our world class training and innovation centre in the United States so that they can see that there is substance behind our words.”
Such is Graeme’s confidence in the potential for substantial growth in the cement market that he is predicting that in Europe alone the company has the ability to see a tenfold increase in bookings in 2019. “We are working hard to bring to those big players in the industry products, solutions and choices that they maybe have never had access to before,” he states. “We realise that this is a mature market where things may have been done a certain way for many years, but by demonstrating who SafeRack is and what it does, we are proposing that there are different ways to achieve the same goals, but with significant added value.”
Products: Industrial safety solutions